The Strategy Execution podcast is for leaders who want to learn how to turn plans into action and get results fast.
3-way financial forecasting helps get a closer look at cash flow, P&L, and balance sheets. This helps the decision-making process, by assessing a company’s financial future
Do you spend your days fighting fires and dealing with unexpected issues? Find out how to break that cycle.
Key success factors help your company define goals, mission and business objectives. Determining the process and strategies for achieving them becomes simpler.
Too many business owners want to shift to a transformational leadership style but can’t do so because there is too much on their plate. Automation can help you solve this issue.
Leverage internal audits, competitive analysis, and technology to minimize business risk.
Developing your desired company culture requires time, attention and planning. As a business leader, you must understand there is no set formula to create a company culture.
Developing a values statement is critical to your company culture. It’s more than just inspiring quotes slapped onto brands with no relationship to the business whatsoever. Instead, values statements are expressions crafted to reflect the
Most businesses struggle with their goal-setting process. At StrategyX, we uncomplicate the complicated. listen to our step-by-step guide to goal-setting.
Your mission statement must describe what your employees are actually going to do each day that will ultimately lead you to your vision, or your ultimate goal
4 easy steps to writing a world-class vision statement.
Develop core competencies to future-proof your business and to gain a competitive edge over your competition.
Scoreboards are critical for the effective management of any business, but not enough people use them. Find out how to set up scoreboards to help you achieve your goals
Understanding your core business is critical to how you make money right now. You'll be able to focus on improving the skills and the underlying processes to become more efficient or more productive in the way you generate revenue.
Every person has the same 24 hours in a day, and yet, some people manage to get a lot more value out of their time. So what is it that these people do differently? Well, they choose wisely what they will focus on for the day. More importa
So the question becomes, 'How do you turn effort into the results you desire?’ How do you create high performing teams? There is no one silver bullet, but there are what I like to call silver bullet processes that, if followed, will lead
Employee engagement can be defined as the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization, and put discretionary effort into their work
In business we hear this all the time, “We need to be aligned.” Have you wondered why alignment is so important?
After 20 years of being an entrepreneur and CEO of private and public companies, I can tell you one of the most important factors in achieving your goals is having a clear direction for where you want your company to go. It’s also the #1
There are five essential elements for turning hard work into business results. This is true regardless of the industry or business you operate in. If you master these five things, you will be on your way to success
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