Xero Integration
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Xero Integration Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions

How to disconnect from StrategyX?

Go to "Settings" -> "Other Settings" and find Xero integration section. And then click "Disconnect" button to disconnect your Xero account from StrategyX.

When you disconnect Xero, your data from Xero account will stop syncing to StrategyX reports

How to disconnect from Xero?

Login into your Xero account and choose Organization you want to disconnect. Go to "Settings" and click "Connected Apps".

Find "StrategyX" from list & click three dots and choose "Disconnect" option.

When you disconnect Xero, your data from Xero account will stop syncing to StrategyX reports

When and how does data sync occur?

We will sync data from your Xero account automatically on daily basic. You can also go to the report and click "Sync data from Xero" button to sync data manually.

What information you fetch from Xero account?

We sync your budget summary, invoices, business transactions and some of the reports. We will just read your data, we will not add any data in your Xero account.